You'll find information about working with Dr. Maria in the bodywork/chiropractic capacity below. If you're not able to work with Dr. Maria and are experiencing a physical pain, muscular imbalance, or suboptimal symptoms, please find a local professional for support.

Personalized bodywork where Dr. Maria works with you one on one, in any area of the musculo-skeletal system that is in imbalance. She addresses areas of your body that are necessitating increased inclusion. Dr. Maria brings her compassionate inquisitiveness to ask which part of you is wishing to integrate presently, and gently guide it back to the whole person that you are. Dr. Maria’s work dramatically increases your capacity to embody your full expression(s) of life.


Your Body Talks… It says what the mind cannot.

An informed bodyworker listens to what your body has to say. S/he leans in to the conversation with curiosity, free of judgement. The best bodyworkers are adept listeners.

Dr. Maria works on you one on one, for minimum of one hour. She listens to what your body is saying and addresses it accordingly, your body intelligence leading the way.

A Bodywork Retreat, with the addition of coaching, requires a 3 day minimum commitment to deep immersion of exploration. This offering includes anywhere from 3-6 hours of bodywork and 1-2 hour of coaching each day. This immersive experience includes 2 90min coaching calls that bookend the retreat. (One prior to set the intention and one after the retreat for follow up integration purposes.) Maria highly recommends this in pairing with any form of journeying prior, after, or both before and after.

The more you say something the more the body believes it… until it does not. “Oh that breaks my heart” or “that is such a pain in my butt” or “it makes me crazy” the body takes to heart- literally. Watch your words, as they become action. If we are lucky, the body will “rebel” with pain, imbalance, or dis-ease to help us find the truth of the matter. Pain is an opportunity to listen, and find the truth beyond the story.